Corporate News

Carmignac launches START, its proprietary ESG research system
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START (System for Tracking and Analysis of a Responsible Trajectory) is the result of in-depth work conducted over the past year by the Responsible Investment team to go the extra mile with our responsible investment approach.
This proprietary ESG research system systemizes the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in our Funds’ investment process. By combining a wide range of third-party data with in-house human-driven assessment, START provides a formal, structured and forward-looking analysis on each company regarding its responsibility and purpose.
START enables us to carry out these assessments in a disciplined manner and is to become a cornerstone of our investment process
This analysis helps the Portfolio Managers and Analysts in identifying potential ESG risks, while also assessing companies’ positive outcomes for the society and the environment – and hence to best serve our clients’ long-term interests.
Although this is a proprietary model, we aim at giving our clients access to START, to help drive impact and create a collaborative approach within the fund management industry.
The proprietary ESG system START combines and aggregates market leading data providers ESG indicators. Given the lack of standardisation and reporting of some ESG indicators by public companies, not all relevant indicators can be taken into consideration. START provides a centralised system whereby Carmignac’s proprietary analysis and insights related to each company are expressed, irrespective of the aggregated external data should it be incomplete.